
Friday, February 18, 2011

Lazy Days of Spring?

Okay...not Spring as much as a beautifully warm day in Winter!! Yesterday the kids {minus Finn who spent the night at Grandma's house} and I played outside after dinner. The breeze was great and we enjoyed our time together.

I took advantage of the natural light and and did a mini photo shoot...mostly of Obug, but got a few cute shots of B and Aidan as well!!













We had so much fun in the glorious weather....hopefully we will get to spend time outside this weekend doing this all over again!!! Thank you Lord for such a wonderful day.

Calender of Events

So I found this BEAUTIFUL calender on a cute blog Cottage Hill....and decided I would L.O.V.E. to make one!! She did a great job, but I beg to differ with her on it being "very easy" to make!! It was H.A.R.D {but WAY worth it}!! Well, maybe it is just hard for me because I am bad at math!! Ha!! But even my Grandma who should be able to whip something like this out in no time flat had a hard time!! The hardest part was all the measuring. I added a little flair to mine with all the rosettes...which I think makes it look super cute!!
Tell me what ya think??

I love it and hope you do too!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Be Still My Heart....

.....tonight Joey had to work the kids and I had a yummy dinner {okay, really it was just I who had steamed broccoli with cheese, egg noodles, chicken and rolls!!} and then I got all the kids showered and ready for bed. We all gathered in the living room and began watching "The Game Plan". I started out with B and Finn in my lap, Aidan on the couch and Obug crawling around fussing. So after about 20 minutes I finally picked up Owen and held him.....after getting the boot off my lap Finley and Breslyn headed to the couch. But they didn't just sit there...Finn scooted in close to Aidan and Breslyn promptly crawled up in Aidan's lap!!! OMGosh!! Such preciousness in one place!! I snuggled up with Owen and started crying. I mean really??!! Could my kids be any cuter? NO!!

Around 4pm I was tired...needing a nap, and really felt like I needed a break from my job. Around 4:30 I was starving and had had it up to here with Finn irritating B and B screaming at Finn. Around 7pm I was happier than I could ever be...watching my kiddos love on each other and show such compassion. It was beautiful and made my heart happy!

Thank you Lord for the gift of children....4 amazingly different, incredibly loving kids.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day my love....I cannot believe we have spent 13 Valentine's together!! That's amazing.

You are still my life, my heart, my best friend and my lover.

Thank you for sweet kisses, tender hugs and loving embraces.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Peek at Obug

I realize my last post was VERY I thought I would lighten the mood with a few pictures of my sweet Owen....


{pardon the dirty carpet...yikes!}

{as for the heavy post I referred to....I will be doing more posts about that subject..hopefully to encourage us as wives and help-mates!}

I am planning his 1st Birthday and I am so excited!! It will be a Dr. Seuss theme!! I will take loads of pics and post them. I cannot believe he will be one in two months!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Just Married PART 1

Our church {the one we are attending, but want to soon call home} is doing a series on marriage.

Sunday was particularly interesting....our preacher spoke on the "roles" of the man and wife {according to the scriptures} could cut the tension with a knife. I could see the men squirm in their seats and the women perk up with curious ears ready for a battle. I could see many couples nod their heads in agreement with what was said. I saw many couples with sadness or confusion on their faces.

I was one deeply interested in what was being said. I agreed with everything he said. And he pointed out a fact that I have never EVER even noticed before {more to come on that}!

{BEFORE I CONTINUE....I am not here to woman bash, nor do I believe in women being dragged around by their hair as cave-women. I do not believe women should only be barefoot and pregnant cooking in the kitchen. BUT I do believe in the truths of the Bible, and I choose to try to live my life to the standards to which it sets.}

FIRST and foremost....everyone wants to be in CONTROL!! Big surprise!!

I personally know so many couples who are having difficulties in their marriages because the woman is in control of the household....why? Because their husbands are PASSIVE AVOIDERS. "In the absence of godly men, women respond INDEPENDENTLY." In other words, when men refuse to become involved the women have to take over and make all the decisions. That is not the way God designed marriage.

Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. 1 Corinthians 11:3

We are all subject to GOD...and we are subject to our husbands. We need to support them in their decisions, lift them up to Christ in prayer, and respect the position they are in as head of the home.

Now onto something I DID NOT KNOW....{or really never paid attention to before}:

When Eve spoke with the serpent and partook of the fruit, she was WITH ADAM!!
6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.

I have grown up thinking that Eve was to blame for it all because I was under the impression that she ate it...TOOK IT to Adam and then sin entered the world. But that is NOT TRUE!! Adam was right there...observing this act...allowing it all to happen without stepping up as the head of the "household". This is a prime example of what many couples are going through right now!! Adam abandoned his position as husband by BEING PASSIVE {it's not that Adam listened to Eve, but that he DIDN'T listen to God}. Adam avoided his responsibility as husband by CASTING BLAME {on Eve..great husband!!}. And the absence of godly men, women respond INDEPENDENTLY!

We will experience conflict when we fail to fulfill our God-ordained ROLES.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Aidan's 9th Birthday

Aidan today is your 9th birthday! I cannot believe it...I have a NINE YEAR OLD SON!!
You have been such a blessing to us...God gave you so many gifts and I can see you growing in those gifts daily. You have such compassion and love, a sense of selflessness and wanting to help others. You still give me hugs and don't mind a kiss or two as well.

You are also entering tweendom I guess...where you roll your eyes at us constantly. You huff along as you are performing your chores. And you make faces of one completely put out by all that he is asked to do. I think you are just feeling us out to see how we will react to this new attitude. You found out this week when after a 3rd bout of eye rolling you were forced to clean the baseboards!! But in all seriousness, you are a wonderful child and we love you so very much.

Thank you for being you, for giving us 9 incredible years, for showing us how to be good parents, for showing us what we need to do to be better parents, for loving God and your family and for being a GREAT big brother.

We love you dearly,

mom and dad
{finley, breslyn and owen}

Friday, February 4, 2011

Round 1...GO VOTE!!

Well followers....I implore you to please go vote for me and/or your favorites over at American Crafters!!

I am #3......

Wow the competition is FIERCE!! These ladies are INCREDIBLY TALENTED!!

{Okay, so I thought I could handle the criticism by the judges, but ouch! I am not the only one who was bitten by the harsh words, but still! Even if I don't make it to the next round I did have fun making these precious flowers. I am proud of them and I guess that is all that counts!!}

Thanks for taking the time to vote...I am so thankful for your help!!
Now to sit on pins and needles till Monday morning!! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

So Maybe I Don't Want to Live Up North... we have been snowed in for 2 days...going on 5 and I am losing my ever-lovin mind!! My kids could be worse, but they have given me a few fits. It's been so nice having Joey home..but even he is getting irritated by all the "closeness"!! ha! We are lucky we have enough formula and baby food to last until next week {I hope}. But man I am really wishing we had more to eat and drink around here!! Our neighborhood is iced over so there is no getting!! Our wonderful friends the Szymanski's were so kind as to bring us bread tonight!!

Ugh...I love snow and cold weather...but we can't even play in it because the freakin wind chill is -4 degrees!! I am so over it! But...I will admit it sure is purty outside!! :)

Good night, sleep tight....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

American Crafter Round 1

I am so excited to announce that I was chosen in the first ever round of competetion for American Crafter...put on by sweet Amy at Nap Time Crafters!!

I feel so honored to be able to participate in this awesome contest! The other ladies are SUPER uber talented, so I am quite nervous to compete against them. And even though I might get eliminated right off the bat, I am still super thrilled that I was even chosen in the first place!! Yay!!

So...with that said, we present our projects each Thursday morning and then they are voted on by YOU over the I implore you to VOTE VOTE VOTE {for me} for all the wonderful ladies!! Please!! Is that pathetic begging, or just a healthy dose of pleading? Ha!!

So I'm off to finish my project for this first week!!

12 in 12: February

So back in January I did a post here about not doing resolutions this year...but I stated that I would focus on one thing each month.

January: write a special note to someone every single day. It could be a text, email, FB...etc. Anyways...I tried, I really did...but I said I would admit if I failed. Well....I FAILED....MISERABLY!! I did send quite a few notes out, but not near every single day. I am pathetic! The whole point was to pick something I would continue to do after the 30 days were over....and that was something I really wanted to be better at. I have awesome family and friends and want them to know I will continue to do my best at sending little notes {even if it isn't every single day}!!

So onto February....I have decided to cut out REAL was very hard to type that. I think I can, I think I can....but I don't think I want to!! Ha! I need to do this, but I am already on day 3 of not having a real Coke and I am so craving one!! So Diet Coke, eh? Hmph...I'd still rather have my Coke and bathe in in too!! So, it is a simple thing to do, and I hope that after 30, er 28 days I will be free of the Coke Beast!!

Join me in this fight against real drinks...or whatever your demon is!! Ha! 28 days and you will be free!! I'm pumped...okay, not really. :}