
Friday, November 25, 2011


Well, I have obviously failed my November goal....but do you know how hard it is to blog every FLIPPIN' day?!  No?  It's HARD!!  HA!  Oh well, I will try and do a few posts in a row!!  So....

Here are some more pics of a shoot I did a couple weeks ago.  I tell is a LOT stressful being an amateur photographer.  I know people aren't expecting much from a non-pro, but I want them to be pleasantly surprised when they receive their pictures!  Will my artistic taste match theirs?  Are they as in love with black and white photos as I am?  Etc, {self doubt}, etc, {hoping for great results}, etc!!!  That are a few pics!  Enjoy! {unfortunately, blogger is being all screwy...some of them...a few of my favs....are turned the wrong way.  bummer.}

 Love this pic...he isn't really a smiler, so to capture his sweetness in this pose was priceless.  I so wish it was right side up!!

This is such a precious and daughter...such beauties!!


Sneak Peak of the T Family!

I have done a few photo shoots with some beautiful families lately and thought I would share a few pics from my most recent shoot!!  Such a sweet family and a pleasure to work with!!

my fav.....

Hope you enjoyed them!!!


Monday, November 14, 2011

Stupid November Goals....

...not really, but I am mad that I've missed 3 days {IN A ROW}!!  If they had been spread out it wouldn't be so bad....

So that it's not FOUR days in a's my post!!

We had our family pictures done this weekend...I've had the time to edit 1...and this is it!!  Ashlee did a great job as always!!  Thanks Ash for being so patient with our brood....and for sweating up a storm for just the right picture!!  Love you!!

I also did a photo shoot with a beautiful family Sunday afternoon.  Her main goal was to get a pic of them in their cowboy boots.  Once I get them edited I will post them....hoping for some awesome results!!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Where Are You Christmas

...Why can't I find you?
I'm SOOOOO ready to decorate for Christmas...even the hubs is asking when we are getting down the decorations from the attic!!  Teehee!!  Can't wait for more of this:


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

What's up??!! 


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Faithful Friends

Today I am giving thanks for my friends.............

I mentioned previously that my best friend is Joey, but there are two wonderful ladies in my life that help shape and mold me into the person I want to be.

The friend I have had the longest is Julie...we began our friendship about 17 years ago.  I didn't think friendships even lasted that long, but I am so grateful they do!!  She has taught me patience, AMAZING faith, that it is okay to be yourself, that sometimes you have to ask for help, perseverance, how to be completely honest with a friend and love.  I feel so blessed to call her my sister in Christ, and I am so glad we will spend eternity in Heaven together.  I love you Juju!!

I have been friends with Ashlee for about 3 years.  The picture below couldn't describe us any better!!  She came along in my life when I was needing more happiness, silliness and accountability in my life! She has taught me selflessness, that family time is so very important, how to make a house into a home, that "junkin" is FUN, how to make the most of what you have and love!!  I am so glad that God brought our families together!!  I love you Ashlee, and I am so proud to call you my friend!!