
Friday, April 26, 2013

Happy Friday...Mostly!

So yay for Friday!!  Boo for still being sick.  I went to the doc this morning and I have an Upper Respiratory Infection...which we all know means "you are sick, but we can't really call it anything, but you need meds to get better, so we will pick a random antibiotic and hope it works."  Haha!!  Anyways, URI or not, I needed the meds...which I am off to pick up in just a few minutes!!

I had to take Breslyn, Owen and Keegan with me to the doctor appointment...they were GREAT!!  So proud of them!  And while we are picking up ALL my meds, they get to pick out Lunchables!!

I have a lot on my mind...things I need to plan, things I need to make, parties I need to finish planning, closets I need to purge {I promise their will be a "Great Declutter Dare of 2013" post coming soon}, grocery lists I need to general I just have so much to do....which only compounds when I am sick.  So I am praying that the antibiotic AND steroids do their job SUPER quick!!! ;)

Can't have a picture-less post so.....

Have a great Friday Friends!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Grateful and 470

As I went to type this post I realized it will be my 470th post!!  Whoa...didn't know I had so much to say...I mean I know my life is WAY interesting, but still!!  HAHAHA!!!  JK!

Anyways, I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to my parents, 
David and Cheryl and my Grandmother.  

They {all 3} are constantly going out of their way to help me when I need them...when kids are sick and I have to work, or taking my oldest to try out instruments for middle school...or watching the kids so I can go on a photo shoot.  I cannot even begin to count all the ways they have been a blessing to me.

But the best thing about my parents and Grandmother is how great they are to my kids!!  They come to  school plays every chance they can...Grandma treats them {and me!!} to dinner every Tuesday night...they let them spend the night almost every stinkin' Friday night...Grandpa takes them "boating"...they sacrifice paychecks so that my kids can go to gymnastics, ballet/tap and summer camps.  My kids are so blessed to have such great people loving them and providing for them!!

I can't imagine not being around this crazy bunch of people!!  
They are great influences and full of character!!

But mostly they are such a great example of L.O.V.E.

It makes my heart swell, and my eyes tear up thinking about how much love flows in this family.  I am so thankful to God for the relationships we have and the time we spend together as a family.

I love you Mom (Gaga), Dad (Grandpa/Crampa) and Grandma!!!


I just wanted to share a few of the pics from the other photo shoot I did this weekend.  I have a great co-teacher, Mollie, who asked me to take senior pics of her daughter Mattie.  I was honored!!

I was so excited, because this was going to be my first senior shoot...I was not expecting such a gorgeous model, AND she was SUPER comfortable in front of the camera!!  Enjoy!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Baby M!!

I was so lucky to get to do a "one year old" photo session this weekend...of sweet little Miss. M!!  She was adorable and total smiles the ENTIRE time!!  Here's a sneak peek!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Pillows Everywhere!

I just listed pictures of our new Rags to Riches Pillows on FB, but just wanted to show them here as case you are wondering about the deets:

Pillow Case with pillow form and accessory $20.00; Pillow Case (without pillow form) with accessory $15.00 Pillow Case (without form or accessory) $12.00; Pillow Case accessories can be customized and added pick color and style!!! {PILLOW CASES ARE APPROX 16-18"}

 If you are interested or have questions please leave a comment or email me directly at!!

I hope you are enjoying your afternoon!!
AshleY :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Stupid Sad Movie

So maybe I'm just a little extra emotional for some hormonal reason...but I have just been so sad today....all because my babies are growing up too fast. :(

My little man just turned 3 and he is learning and doing so much lately.  He's just growing way too fast.  I don't want him to lose that innocence, those chubby cheeks, that waddle in his walk.  :(

And my little girl is about to turn 5, and that alone makes me want to boo hoo a LOT!!  She can't wait to go to big school and Kindergarten!!  That's right...she can't wait to get away from me!!  Ha!  I know that isn't true, but still.  :(

And of course today Toy Story 3 just happened to be on....I had forgotten how bittersweet that movie is!  I did my best to hold it together at the end when Andy's mom is hugging him goodbye...then when Andy drops off all his childhood toys at the little girl's house.  Then he just.drives.away.  I know B was wondering why I was crying, but she didn't ask...she was a little interested in the movie. :(

I'm choking back tears now as I type. :(

I love those little boogers so much. :)


Sunday, April 14, 2013

April Birthday Lunch!

We have a LOT of family that have April birthdays...and since timing was a little off this month (and lots of sickness) we decided as a group to go out to lunch!!  And we went to THE best Mexican restaurant...CHUY'S!!!  Delish, and I am super craving it right now!!  Yummo!

Breslyn and Gaga {the only two without April birthdays!}

Grandma {April 3rd} and Owen {April 7th}

Me {April 9th} and Aunt Lucy {April 2nd}

I think we were the happiest and prettiest people there!!  
We decided this MUST occur more often.  Such great company and wonderful food!!