
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Park Play

It was such a pretty day today...WE...Ashlee, Josh, Keegan, Kennedy (Ashlee's niece) and my brood, all headed down to our subdivisions park!! There isn't much to it, but it is perfect for our families. The kids have a blast and Ashlee and I sometimes get to catch up!! Not this wanted to be pushed on the swings or were jumping on things, or eating mulch, or jumping out of the swing, etc!! Luckily Krys came down and threw the football around with Aidan and Josh. Every time we go to the park this little girl seems to join the party. She is a sweet child, but she wants attention (which she is not getting from her grandmother who you might see in the background of these pics). She wanted to play football so badly...then she wanted us to push her on the swing...and as much as we want to "play" with her, we have our own kids to take care of. It makes me quite sad, but she has a such a great spirit and hopefully her grandmother (I'm using that term version of a gma is one who loves you, builds you up, sacrifices for you, shows her love for you, ya know) won't break that wonderful spirit. But on to the pictures...enjoy!!

Kennedy having a blast on the slide...she went pretty fast for not weighing very much! Teehee!!
Doesn't Keegan look like a giant?!?! I love that you can see his little teefers from this angle!!
You cannot look at this pic and not fact, it might make you laugh OUT loud. :)
Very nice Mr. Krys tossing the football with Aidan, Ken, Josh and the aforementioned little girl whom will we will call "b", and her grandmother. The kids had a blast together!!
How sweet is this picture?? Aunt Ashlee getting hugs from Ken!! I was so happy to capture this sweet moment on camera!!
B and Ken just hanging out cute.

Hope you enjoyed all the pictures of the kiddos!! We had so much fun hanging out together and can't wait to do it again...of course that would mean we have to have some warmer was snowing here's almost April...OMGoodness!!

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