
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Candlestick Wreath

NO!! I'm not gonna set my wreath on fire with a candle!! I know the title sounds a little scary, but really it is just a simple way to display a wreath...cause there are only so many doors in one house...and let's be honest, no one wants to see a wreath on my closet door!! Ha! Anywho, I have seen wrought iron wreath holders and other wonderful ideas {} to display wreaths and other things. But being on a financial and time budget, I must use what I ALREADY have! So here is a simple and quick way to display your lovely wreaths. {And yes, I am a wreathaholic...I have 7 wreaths hanging in my house!} First gather your supplies....I have 3 tall {2ft.} candle holders and I used one for this project. Grab your wreath and for me I have this TOO cute sign to add! You could also add ribbon to fancy it up a little. I chose to keep it plain, because of who the sign is "technically" from!! So here we go.

Align CenterFluff your one likes a flat wreath!! Once fluffed place the wreath atop the candle stick. Now let me say the back of my wreath has wire which greatly helps it to sit on top and actually stay in place.

My momma got me this sign...ISN'T IT THE CUTEST? It is one of my favorite decorations. I think Aidan finds it pretty funny too!!

Place the sign {or ribbon or whatever you want to add} on top of the wreath and secure it. For some reason I am obsessed with all my signs on my wreaths being a little no need to tell me that it is slightly off center!! Ha!

And there ya have it!! Place it somewhere it can be ooed and ahhhed over....on your counter, above you fridge, above your kitchen cabinets, on your entertainment center, on your bathroom counter, in your entry way table!! This whole project was suuuuuper cheap...I paid $2 for the candle stick months ago at Hobby Lobby's 90% off sale, the wreath I've had for years but it probably cost $3, and the sign was free. I hope you have enjoyed this super easy tutorial and can use it in your house!!


  1. How cute!

    Come enter my linky party as well as the current giveaways!!

  2. love it and that sign is adorable read a sign the other day " Santa I've been good but my sister hasn't" and there is a great christmas song new to me called "Box of Rocks" you would get a kick out of it I think

  3. What a cute cute idea...thanks for sharing it. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

