
Saturday, January 1, 2011

12 in 12

So this year instead listing 20 resolutions I will NEVER accomplish, I decided to go a different route. This year I am going to work on completing 12 goals in 12 months! Why did I choose this method instead? Well, let me explain my warped logic! Ha! A person can start to develop a habit and stick to it after performing said habit for a month to 6 weeks. All of the goals are areas in my life that need I figure if I take a month to "learn" a positive habit, I will hopefully continue it after the month is over. Make sense?? Now these are MY personal goals, but I will strive to have my family join me on certain months!!

I would love to list all 12 goals for ya, but guess what? I CAN'T!! I only have a few ideas ready...I need to pray about what areas in my life need improvement and positive change. I do however, have January's goal ready!!! Ta-da......

{a different person every day, whether it be through a phone call, text message, email, snail mail, FB or in person}

Now to incorporate my family on this I would like to get the kiddos to draw pictures to send to certain family members that we don't get to see a my wonderful Aunt Jessie!! I would love to teach them to pass on love and encouraging words to could make such a difference in just one person's life.

{a few other goals I will tackle throughout the next year: abstain from drinking "real" sodas, staying off the computer until the kids go to bed, no sugary treats....and more to come.}

I am going to do my absolute best to stick to each goal, and I am going to be honest when I fail. :) If you would like to make an effort with me each month just let me know, and we can encourage each other!!


  1. can I leave a comment...just checking?!

  2. well if jo can comment....

    I love you blog decor! I kept trying to comment that it was Awesome...just like you!!!

  3. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! I'm glad to know I have 2 more friends out there! Sorry Golightly's was closed when you went. You'll have to try again. It's so fun!

    And I love your idea of 12 goals in 12 months. Although, I do not agree with the crazy idea of giving up REAL soda or sugary treats! Those are some of my biggest joys! You know besides my husband and baby!

  4. What an awesome idea! I love your idea. May this be an adventurous and blessed year for you and your family!

  5. Thanks for your genuine comment on my blog, your so sweet! I think we are a lot alike, but me minus 3 kids..haha. You seem awesome and I hope your encouraging notes go great! Looking forward to getting to know you better and following your blog!
