
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Winter Mantle

Well the time had finally come to take down Christmas decor and put up....?....I dunno what. This is an awkward time for decorating. It's winter yes, but what the heck do you use to represent this "season"? Fake snow? I I struggled for a while on what to put on our mantle.....I ended up deciding on white. Yep....white....plain old white....boring. But after adding a few more details {which also added a little color} I was happy with how it turned out!! My favorite part? The awesome white sticks sticking out of the mason jar!! I love it...and SUPER CHEAP....I just stole the branches out of my parents front yard. Their poor Bradford Pear tree was murdered by a reckless driver!! Enjoy my new mantle!!

I am very happy with the way it turned out!! Total cost....$3.24 for white spray paint....I had everything else!! Whoohoo!! Have a wonderful week and let someone know you appreciate them this week {SEE HERE}



  1. I like the sticks too. I've been meaning to try that. And I also have an old window like yours! ....Like OH MY GOHHH. :) Cute.Good job. I found your link on craftomaniac.

  2. I love the ribbon on the mason jar, so cute! We have our tv on our fireplace mantel and I have the hardest time figuring out what to put there too, good ideas!

  3. Beautiful mantel. You did a great job. Thanks for sharing.

  4. what a great idea! i'm not creative AT ALL and take all the advice i can get...this is my first time to find your blog, BTW - fun!!

  5. I know this is silly but I feel SO intimidated by my mantle. I may just ahve to copy! There must be a science to it that I just don't understand!

  6. Your mantle looks great girly!!! Just found your blog through Ashleys Avenue, and I love it :)

  7. Since I am a sucker for mason jars...the sticks are my fave too! Great job!

  8. Very nice! I like the branches.

  9. Oh, this is beautiful. I love the branches and the plates. Great job!

  10. L
    I found this post at the Speckled Dog...Kristi is a Real Life friend of mine--I have a window/shutters on my mantle depending on my mood :)
    When I saw your link, I had to see what your mantle with a window looked like--I loves it!
    Happy Winter!
    Blessings to you as you make your home!
