
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Balancing Act Overload

I feel like I haven't had the time or taken the time to put effort into my sweet little blog...{very sad face}. That is one reason for writing this particular post! I have dedicated March to taking better care of my family, and putting all this focus on "being a perfect wife and mother" has me realizing that that is an impossibility. Ha!

I get a task accomplished and feel so proud and then I realize how much MORE I have to do and I get so downtrodden. I know...poor poor pitiful me!

I want to:
wake up early each day and workout
never scream at my kids
have clean doors...OMGosh my kids leave the dirtiest little hand prints all over my doors!!
read my Bible more
stop screaming at my kids
make each birthday memorable
read hundreds of books each day with my littles
be Aidan's room mom
scream less at my kids
have patience to sit with finn and do our sight word flashcards
take time to play outside
scream as little as possible at my kids
not let the afternoons be so stressful that I take it out on my kiddos
prepare finley more for Kinder
just enjoy my life so.much.MORE.

I am very aware how AWESOME my life is {so I don't need any comments about being grateful..wink, wink}....and I know that NO MOMMY IS PERFECT...but I must admit that all the frilly, sweet, flowery blogs I read with smiling mommies and their gorgeous locks and hot bods and very trendy clothes WITH their beautiful always fixed, bows just right, wearing super expensive outfits makes me feel...let's say....inadequate. Ha! I know that I have to ask forgiveness from God for all my jealousy!!!

I have a wonderful life, with happiness and joy, kids that are crazy and cute, a husband that supports me in all my endeavors....yep, my life pretty much ROCKS!! I feel pretty lucky! I just have to get over the fact that I am not and never will be perfect!!

On to other news....I got a new camera with our tax return money...and I think, yes I know, that I L.O.V.E. it!! Can't wait to upload some pics from it!

We are getting family pictures done next Friday...I am super excited. Currently I am stressing over what we are gonna wear. Ha! Blue jeans, green or blue, pink or black, polka dot and tutus {for B of course!!}??

We are now officially on Spring Break and Joey has the WHOLE week off! We are gonna do some things around the is gonna come over and help us fix our dining room table...we are gonna fix caulking in some places, maybe paint the LR and Kitchen and Foyer...hmm! Big plans!! We shall see if anything really gets done!! Teehee!

Well, I guess that is all for now!! :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

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