
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Family Pictures March 2011

Prepare yourself for WONDROUSNESS!!!

I wish we would have had ONE great family picture...but it was a no go. :( Either Finn couldn't stand the bright light or Owen wouldn't look at the camera!! Boo.


love this in b&w...

poor finn, he tried so hard to look without squinting and Obug was just not interested...

this is JUST.SO.FINN....

get him in the shade and he is happy....

look at this gorgeous young man...ah, heaven!!

and my sweet daughter.....

beautiful...simply beautiful....

and my sweet little buggy....loving this face...that is so an Owen face....

again, just gorgeous....

and now to probably my MOST FAVORITE

and a very close second fav...

pure sweetness.....

isn't she BEAUTIFUL?!!


and for the next set of absolute favorites....

I am so grateful for all the beautiful pictures we were able to get!!!

{Special thanks to LoveleiGh Photography...such wonderful talent!}


  1. What a great memorable blog post!!! and after see your blog, your family living so happy.Thanks for sharing your happy moment.

    family pictures

  2. LOVE them all---ur going to have some new pics to hang!

  3. I LOVE your pictures!! Absolutely beautiful family you have there. Love the one of your little boy hugging you, I think every mother needs a picture like that.
