
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter 2011

Here are our Easter pictures...yes, they are a week late, but better late than never! Ha!
We started off Sunday at church (which we have decided to join-BTW!!!)
After church they had an Easter egg hunt...and the kids were split into older and younger groups. B was all by herself and she was NOT diggin it! She got a whole 5 eggs and I was the one that "found" them!
The boys were way more productive!! Haha! They had a blast and couldn't wait to get to Grandma's house for more eggs...little piglets!!

What is up with that smile?!!

We made our way over to Grandma's house and had a DELISH lunch with my mom and dad. Ham, mashed taters, beans, salad...yummo!! After lunch we headed out to h.u.n.t!!

(apparently Joey thought Owen needed to be shirtless...which of course makes for great pictures!!)

Finn and his loot!!

What a bunch of HANDSOME men!!
Grandpa, Finn, Aidan, Owen and Joey

Grandma helped everyone pick out their own eggs. She is so wonderful and very patient. Owen didn't know what was going on, but he enjoyed every minute of it!

Us...boring! :)

I hope you had a wonderful Easter..
But most of all: thank you Christ for dying on the cross for our sins.

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