
Sunday, September 11, 2011


I cannot believe it has been 10 years.
I pray for those families that lost loved ones,
I pray for those men and women who sacrifice daily to keep us safe,
I pray for the future of our children...
that they will know how to handle life when this kind of unimaginable event happens again.

Leaning on the love of Christ was the only way I could get out of bed after 9/11.
Leaning on His hope was the only way I could be "okay" with bringing my first child into this scary world.
Leaning on His promises is THE only way.....

Thank you Lord for the lives that were spared that fateful day.  Thank you for providing police and firemen willing to lose their lives to save others.  Thank you for showing the people of America what REALLY matters in life. 

I will always remember...I will NEVER FORGET.


1 comment:

  1. Just stopping by from a blog hop! Please check out my blog and tell me what you think! I'd love to hear your feedback. Make sure you follow, so I can follow you as well! Thanks!

    XoXo Nicole Mariana
