
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Kids Who Care Camp Day 3

Day three of Kids Who Care Camp was Princess or Prince Day....well, as you can plainly see Finley is a dragon.  He wanted to be the castle dragon...well, if any place would "get" and appreciate his twist on the day it would be the awesome people at KWC!!!  They love it when kids are individuals, using their imaginations and being unique!!

On this particular day we were allowed to see part of the show and have lunch with our kids....I got their early and snapped a few pics of them "trying out" for singing parts....I got to hear Finn sing...melt a momma's heart!!

And as I mentioned in a previous post, my Mom teaches at the camp each year, and of course she was playing the part of a SPECTACULAR princess...or queen!!

Breslyn being twirled across the "stage" in the first number!!!  She was so happy to be a part of all that was going on!

Finley did get a singing part later in a different song!!  Here he is for sure showing off some attitude!!

Each year after they perform for us the founder and executive director of KWC, Deborah Jung, tells all the kids a wonderfully elaborate story from her childhood!!  Isn't she cute??!!

And here we are at the luncheon...yummy little finger foods and a delicious dessert of homemade whip cream!

And probably my favorite picture of the day....aren't they so cute??  I love em LOTS!!

Another fun day at camp!!!

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