
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

WWJD and Home Chalkboards

Sounds like a pretty random title, but they do actually go together!!  :)  Let me explain.

When I was younger...I can't remember exactly when...I would say around late middle school/early high school the newest trend was to wear necklaces and bracelets that said WWJD {What Would Jesus Do}.  For some reason those did not sit well with might have been the fact that the people that were wearing them were not showing the best example of what Jesus would do!!  I thought- we should already be asking ourselves that question, why should we wear a bracelet that reminds us.  Regardless, I didn't like them.  

Now...onto chalkboards.  Yes, it will all make sense in a minute!  I am IN LOVE with chalkboards in homes.  I have helped make lots for our biz and I have three in my house {with plans for more}!!  I plan on using my chalkboards to display love notes to my family AND love notes from GOD!!  I LOVE being able to write out verses on them and read them daily!!  What a boost to our hearts and souls...a word from God, out of the Bible can change your outlook on a bad day, or when dealing with a difficult child, maybe after a rough day at work and it can help keep our eyes on Him rather than on ourselves.  

Now tell me..what is the difference in the above two examples?  Is there one?  Both "methods" push a closer relationship with Christ as well as having us show His love to others.  

Fast forward a LONG time...and some maturity and spiritual growth later {ha!} I came across this verse Sunday:

 Deuteronomy 6: 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands {WWJD bracelets} and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes {or chalkboards!!!} of your houses and on your gates. 

And it finally clicked!!  Ha!  We are CALLED OUT to "display" all that God has done for us AND declare our love for Him!!  How awesome!!  I desperately want and NEED to "impress" Bible verses on my children, my husband...myself!!  We all need the daily affirmation of reading about God's love for us, His discipline for us, His commandments for us, His direction for us, His calling for us, His desires for us, His guidance for us...did I say LOVE?! :) 

So....WHICHEVER method you choose to proclaim the great word and show the love of Christ will be perfect!!  Awesome!  Don't ya think?!  

Can't wait to go make another chalkboard!!  Teehee! ;)

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