
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Semi-Wordless Wednesday..What Has Happened?

What has happened to my little girl?  Where has the sweet innocent baby girl gone?  And why has she been replaced with such a fart brat stinker ?  She has been VERY VERY difficult today....SUPER whiney, VERY angry, constant OUTBURSTS, screaming CONSTANTLY...and I am way sad about this new development.  

So I am going to wallow in my pity....and look at these pictures of when she was still my precious SWEET baby girl...sigh.... hoo, sniff, sniff.....I'm {sniff, sniff} okay.  It will get better....right?!!!!!


  1. Yep. I have the teenage proof in my house. Want to borrow her for a few hours to know what you have to look forward to? Because I'm SURE B will be just like her...Remind me to show you R's baby pics and you'll know why I'm confident.

  2. This is where we, as parents, sit back and watch. Been there, done that...
