
Friday, December 28, 2012

A New Year, A New You

Yep....I stole that title from some commercial...I really can't remember which one.  Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Progressive {prolly not!}...moving on.

I have a love/hate relationship with the new year.  I am ABUNDANTLY excited about starting my  life FRESH....but I get mad at myself for thinking I have to wait for January 1st to have new goals for myself.  And maybe I get a tad mad at myself for not having followed through on the goals I set the previous year! Ha!

But this year I just want to focus on the greatness of NEW. 

This year I want to make goals that are attainable...maybe not even specific.  I don't want to lose 50lbs...well of course I do, but instead I'm focusing on turning 35 and being overweight.  Or the fact that we are going to the beach this year...yowza...a bathing suit!!  Haha.  So I am going to focus on eating better...and then whatever happens happens.

My baby girl will start Kinder in the fall....most of the time when this subject comes up with other people I say I can't talk about it.  I cry often thinking about it.  My baby ONLY girl will be leaving.  And she's EXCITED about it too!!  She can't wait to go to school with "the brothers"!  I know I cannot stop time...or even slow it down, so I want to make the most of the few short months I have left with her.  I want to do special things with her.  I don't want August to come and the tears I shed be over regret for not making every second count.

I love my home.  And I love this quote:

We are blessed to have just enough room for all six of us...but we could always use more room.  I would LOVE, yes love to be able to go through my house and get rid of all the "extras" that makes our home look and FEEL cluttered.  I might have had this goal this past summer....and I might have done some de-cluttering...but probably not enough to make me feel accomplished!!  I am scouring Pinterest to find some ideas on cleaning up clearing out my home.  I want fact I crave it.

I have some other things I want to accomplish, but I think I should keep some mystery to this little ole blog!! ;)

I pray that this year is full of joy, peace, happiness and love for you and your family.    

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