
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Canton Highlights!!

This weekend my parents took Breslyn and myself to Canton for the weekend!!  They took me last year for my birthday as well...I plan on this being a tradition every year (because it may be the only time I will get out there!!)!

Last year I was mostly in awe of my surroundings...I was floored by the amount of people, vendors and food!!  If you are not familiar with Canton, it is a city in Texas that has trade days the weekend before the first Monday of the month.  There are vendors that offer wooden letters, jewelry, food, vintage items, antiques, clothes, home decor, furniture, etc!  It is incredible and very overwhelming!!  You WILL get lost on your first trip...this time I was a little more aware of where I was going...a little. ;)

Last year I didn't get near as much, but I planned on taking pictures of everything...well, things got put away (or thrown in my crafty section of the garage..where some of them have remained) and I never got around to taking the pics.  But this year I followed through!!  

Gaga bought B two BEAUTIFUL dresses...she wore the one on the left today for Easter!

Not sure yet what I will be doing with the burlap sacks...but they were a dollar each!!  The fan will be going on my "Summer Mantle"!!

The trains are a project for Owen's birthday...which is a week from today!!!!!

I am going to do a gallery wall SOON and I plan on putting #6's and T's throughout the wall. (6 for number of family members and T for Tremaine)  I am going to "age" the pennants and put them in Aidan's room.  

I will use these wire baskets to house all my material...that is currently scattered across my bedroom floor!  The letter A, I, D, A and N will be going up in Aidan's room.

I bought lots of cheap beads, but I also purchased these beautiful diamond earrings...teehee!!  

My Grandma was very generous and gave me birthday money to spend...AND gave B $20 to buy her own things at Canton.  She purchased a Disney Princess tin (with magnets of each of the characters), a Melissa & Doug product...wooden dolls that you color, put glitter on and adorn with bling {most of which she did WITH Grandpa} and a bobble head duck!!  THANKS Grandma!!

I had a blast, and I am so thankful to my parents for the trip, the company, the great conversations, the laughs and the love!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Popping over from Kelly's linkup. :) I love Canton!! So glad you had such a fun trip and found such cute stuff! :)
