
Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy Birthday to my Bestie!

Today is my BEST FRIEND'S birthday!!

Happy Birthday Ashlee!!!  You mean so much to me.  You've taught me so much...opened my eyes to things I didn't see...showed me how to appreciate the little things...and done so much for me and my family.  I can never repay you for all that you do!!

Here is a little history of our friendship and MANY of the ways you have blessed me and MANY of the reasons why we are best friends:

You threw a baby shower for me and Owen...

We both love Game Night...

Our husbands are crazy...

You have been instrumental in most of the painting that has occurred in my house!!  Haha...

You have taught me how to bring out my creative side...

You got up at 4 am to go to the hospital with us to have Owen.  You were such a big blessing that day. You stood by my side and held my hand and told me that "YOU CAN DO THIS!!"  I will never forget the impact you made on that day!

You are ridiculously thoughtful...

You LOVE on my babies {biggie here}...

We love spending time together whether we are getting pedicures or perusing antique stores...

You help me out when things like my oven catches on fire (and you don't judge when my house looks like a tornado has come through)... encourage me to be creative...

You give such thoughtful gifts... 

You show so much love and patience...

You LOVE turquoise as much as me...

We love DESSERT, Italian food, dessert, Diet Dr. Pepper, dessert, sweet tea, dessert...

You have no fear of being funny with me...

You feel welcome enough to spend a weekend with us when your a/c goes out...but happy to help us rearrange  rooms the same weekend!! Haha...

You are an awesome photographer...

You are a great baker...

You are so giving...

{unfortunately I don't have any pics from Dec 2011 to Oct 2012 because they are on my other computer}

Our kids are best friends...

AGAIN you are a great photographer...


You have pushed us to be successful in EVERYTHING we do...

You pay attention to details and what matters to me {so SWEET}...

YOU are YOU, and YOU are the bestest friend I could ever have!!  I love you to pieces.  Thank you for the friendship of a lifetime!!  

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