
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Let's Hear it for the Canton Girls!

Ashlee and I headed to Canton for the day yesterday!  

It was WONDERFUL and horribly hot!  But that did not stop us!  Note our awesomely cool neck fans!!  Ashlee bought them for us and they really did help cool us off!  

We found lots of goodies and checked them off our "to-get" lists, but really just having girl time was my favorite part!!  

Oh and the food was fabulous....a corn dog, velvet cupcake and Funnel Cake!!  I haven't had one in years and it was worth $4!!!

After we shopped till EVERY vendor closed we drove down to Paul Michael.  It was DEAD in there!!!  Usually when I am with my parents it is super busy, but since it was July 4th most people had other things to do.  Ha!  We had a great wine and lots of goodies!  

But the best part was finding my new dining room chairs!!  They were half off and a steal!  I can't wait to finish painting the kitchen and put these beauties around the table!!

I am exhausted today, and I want to take a nap. :) But I am so happy we had such a great time and I CAN'T wait to do it again!!  

1 comment:

  1. New here. I think I found you from Andrea's link up. Where is Canton, because clearly I need to go!! We just moved to Austin last month.
