
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

SEPTEMBER 2016 Round Up

Hey, September!!  Let's take a peek at cha!

Friday the kids wore UT gear for college day at school.  I think Owen is doing the dab....mhm.

That night Joey and I hung out and watched TV....Daisy was very loving...

...she continued the next morning.  I just love her sweetness!

B went to a birthday party that afternoon and had a blast!!

Sunday I took a pic with my girl!!  

That afternoon/evening we headed to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the Longhorn game!!  

Aidan's game that to get up close and personal after the game.  :)

Owen had his first soccer practice...he was really good!  He controls the ball really well.

I worked on my fall mantle...and I LURVE it!! 

The following week B had her first soccer practice as well.  So stinking cute!!  I was afraid she would be behind at age 8.  But there is  good mixture of first timers and ones who have played before.  

Saturday we put my Grandma's sofa at the road and went to my Aunt and Uncle's house to get their couch and take it back to Gma's house.  Yeah...that is Aidan laying down on the the back of the truck...driving down Gma's street.  Super safe.  

I declared the 19th "clean out Aidan's room if it kills me" day.  There were boxes in his room that were still from our move in December of last year!!  What??  And, annnnnd, most of the boxes were in there by was ridiculous, and I can only blame myself.  Anyway....;/ I did accomplish my goal...but I have yet to officially decorate his room.  

That afternoon we had Keegan over for a little while...they had a blast doing arts and crafts!

At football that week we had an entire crowd to support whole family, my MIL, plus two men from Joey's work, our youth pastor, his wife and friends and then there was Mr. Mike.  So patient and loving to Obugs. :)

 Breslyn made both Joey and myself these BIG hearts that had questions on them...on the other side she proclaims her LOOOOVE for us!! :)  She has such a sweet heart!  

Saturday, the 24th, we officially started soccer games for the season!!  B did great, as did Owen!  

{this is what EVERY SINGLE PICTURE looks like when these two are together.  neither one can look straight at the camera and just smile!}

That afternoon we stopped by the mall and visited our new local ice cream parlor.  It is run by friends from our church.  It was a long, busy, fun-filled day!

Sunday we taught preschool...B was apparently having a pretty good time!! :)

That afternoon Aidan had two friends over and ALL the boys played a rousing Nerf game.  Here they are strategizing!!  

Monday I made Cheeseburger Pie!!  The recipe is HERE.  I LOVE this blogger and her recipe did not disappoint!!  

Wednesday, the 28th, was a somber, special day...remembering my brother's birthday.  I will do another post on the entire day.  

Aidan all dressed up in his BOW tie!!  Love!!

Friday, the 30th, our school was asking everyone to wear yellow to show our support for a little girl that has cancer.  Her big sister is in B's class.  :(

I'm so excited that it is already October!!  Come on fall weather....quit teasing me and BRING.IT.ON!

1 comment:

  1. Breslyn looks so old in that last picture. Hold on to your heart, momma.
