
Friday, August 18, 2017

JULY 2017 Round Up

Another summer month gone...:)

Big get between me and my tv, and I WILL post this attractive pic of you!!  

Little man developed some sort of eventually made it's way all through his limbs and then went away.  Strange.

Sunday, July 2nd...we had some extended family over for a visit.  They are the same ones we carpooled with on vacation....but we wanted to see their faces one last time before they went back to Germany.  I set up these beautiful sunflowers and they just made me so happy!!😍

Aidan playing with little Jude man!!

July 3rd Joey and I went and saw Wonder was FANTASTIC!  We will definitely be buying it when it comes out on DVD!

On the 6th these two left for kids camp!  This was B's first year and she was a little nervous, but all the pictures my friend sent me and those posted on FB show a very happy girl!  She even did the zip line!!!  So proud of her!

Owen and I met Memaw for lunch this week, but I didn't get a single picture.  Boo.  That weekend I was not feeling well...let's just say the bathroom was my bff, as was the couch.  Sweet Daisy kept me company!!  

Monday the 10th I subbed for the first time at a new preschool.  I was super nervous, but I ended up being with my girl Ashley V!!  I was thrilled and we had a great day!!  LONG story short after my first day the director offered me the job I had subbed for that day!  So I have been teaching at my new preschool ever since!  And within two weeks of this day I was hired on for fall!  So starting in September I will be working M-Th.  I'm already exhausted thinking about it, but I'll get the hang of it!!  Haha!

Wednesday was a big doctor appointment for me, so I took a picture! Ha!!  

The next week I completed a project I've been working on for months...4 months to be exact!  I had the letters up on the wall by themselves, but it just wasn't enough.  Then I saw a picture on IG and I had to copy it...and the best part, it was free.  I already owned all the shutters!!  I'm thrilled with how it turned out!

On the 18th Daisy Mae visited the groomer for the first time!  She looked so cute and smelled WONDERFUL!!  I love this sweet girl!!

Between late bedtimes and kids camp these two were exhausted...but they woke right up to see Finn get some shots at his doctor's appointment!!  Haha!!

Funny story....we have been seeing this pediatrician for 6.5 years...and we realized when booking this appointment that Finn has never seen her!!  What??!!  He hasn't been to the doctor in 6 years!!  Holy cow!!

Later that night I headed out for dinner with a few friends from church...Samantha, Jean and Jerri!!  We enjoyed some delicious Chuy's!!  😃 

The whole week was a rough one for this momma.  I don't know why, but this week had me searching for some funny mom memes and posting all about it HERE!!  

That weekend was Joshua's birthday and Ashlee went ALL OUT with the Amazing Race theme!!  She worked so hard getting all the challenges ready and at the correct locations!  I was so impressed!  

The next week we headed to the pool and this little cutie had me smiling!!

Take away screen time and look what happens....Nerf wars and fun!!  It ended in screaming, but it was fun for a while. 😎

Sunday the 30th we had plans to visit a new church and then Ashlee and I were gonna hang out for lunch and shopping.  Well, while brushing B's hair I discovered....LICE!!  NOOOOOO!!!  (Fortunately after only one treatment on her hair and me going crazy cleaning and washing everything, the lice were gone...of course we are still checking...just in case!)

So after running around crazy all morning, it was a nice and needed trip with Ashlee!!  We had Olive Garden and then visited a new store in our area!  We had so much fun talking and eating and catching up (and  devouring some  Blizzards)!!  

👇 This meme totally sums up my feelings on our day!! Haha!!

 We ended out the month shopping for groceries...we have a new Kroger and they have kiddie shopping carts!  These two pushed all our groceries around for over an hour and they did it without complaining!  

Goodbye July.  Bring on (the rest of) August!!😊