
Friday, July 20, 2012


Today at Kelly's Korner SUYL series we are showing our Foyers...Foyer is a bit of a grand title for my little abode!!  But a foyer is what we call it!  :)  So on to the pics...I will tell you it was HARD getting good angles on everything, so please keep that it mind!! Ha!  Enjoy!!

This is coming through the front door...I would show you the wreath on my front door, but it is not much to speak of!  It just didn't come out full enough when I made it.  Anyways....when you enter the right is my daughter's room, the left is the kitchen...

No, that is not a picture of our family!  Ha!  It's a pic of OUR bfff's {best family friends forever}...cheesy, but true!!  Love LOVE the candle...smells so good!  If you have one, you know what I mean.  :)  This shelf usually holds my purse and Owen's diaper bag....but I moved that for the picture!!

{ do not see dust on that't!!  teehee!!}

My ginormous clock!!  It's is NEVER wrong.  I'm too stupid to explain how, but it is aligned with a satellite or the earth or something that causes it to always give the correct even adjusts at Daylight Savings time!!  And below that is our bag holder!!  I love it so much and it is EXACTLY what we need in this house.  Each kiddo has a backpack and that alone takes up most hooks.  I might have taken, say 10 bags off the hooks to make it more presentable!!  Maybe not...but probably!!! :)  I could have a slight problem with bags/purses/totes!!  

If you would like to see the tutorial on my Welcome Home board, go HERE!!

We have a couple of little niches that I love, but are sometimes a little hard to decorate.  I'm not thrilled with this area, but I just thought of an awesome way to decorate this particular one!!  Tutorial and pics to come soon {well, as soon as I get the project done}!!

Now remember I told you some of the pictures aren't gonna be great because of the angles...well, here is what I was talking about!
I found this humongous frame in my parent's garage, spray painted it and hung it!  The pics of my kids are from Spring 2011, but I love them and just haven't changed them out for more recent pictures!!

Another tough angle....I love these shutters!!  I don't think the picture does them justice.  Coupla open frames, wreath, rosettes and ribbon and voila!!

And here is looking from the other direction...our living room.  Pardon the balloon...we play here ya know!! ;)  I hope you have enjoyed my little foyer!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!  Can't wait to check out everyone else's foyers!!  


  1. Love the shutters, especially the red. I linked up too - lots of great ideas :-)

  2. This is a really cute foyer! And yes, it's hard to get pictures of rooms, I've discovered.

    As you can tell, I'm slowly catching up on my SUYL reading :)
