
Friday, July 3, 2015

April 2015

Goodness....trying to do a little bit of catch-up!!  
That will probably never happen, but I'll do my best!

*The beginning of the month was my annual Canton Birthday Trip with my parents and B!!  We had a lot of fun...even with my mom having "some pain" in her side and a "form" of the flu.  Hmmm.
*That Sunday was Easter...more on that HERE!!
*We also celebrated my Grandma's birthday Sunday!!  Isn't she BEAUTIFUL?!  I love her to pieces!
*Then we celebrated Owen's birthday for.a.WHOLE.week!!  First off donuts for his actual bday...then his party was with his two best friends, Caden and Keegan.  They played at Flight Deck and by the end they were ridiculously stinky and sweaty!!  Ha!  Then we celebrated as a family at Mexican Inn.  Not 10 minutes after we got in the car from dinner he was planning his 6th birthday!  Ugh!!! :)

* April consisted of a LOT of focusing on ballet!!  B's class went out and took a pic of their class in Mrs. Jo's beautiful garden.  
*Soooo back to my mom and her "pain" and "flu"....not exactly what she had.  She had an abccess on her liver most likely from an infected root canal.  She was hospitalized and continued to be extremely ill for a LONG time.  We went and visited her at the hospital.  It was so difficult seeing her so sick, but thankful that she went in to the ER and eventually had a diagnosis. 
*While B was at ballet practice I walked/ran on Mrs. Jo's property...prepping for the next 5K.
*Joey suprised me and took me to a hotel for my birthday.  He has always been so thoughtful and loves a good hotel!! Ha!  We had a very nice, quick getaway.  
*The next day we visited Bill at his rehab facility!  He looked GREAT!!!  He cried sweet big man tears as we walked in.  It hurts my heart to see him cry, but I see where Joey gets his sensitive side from.:)
*That afternoon we went to my friend Julie's house to celebrate her daughter's 1st birthday!!  What a blessing and amazing to see God's hand in their family.  
*That Sunday Ashlee and I went to get pedicures and eat to celebrate our birthdays!  
*The following Monday I took Lulu into get groomed...and she came out ADORABLE!!!  Loved her precious little bows.  
*That week I went to Haley's and dyed her didn't exactly turn out the shade she wanted.  But it was beautiful!!  She looks great as a redhead!!
*Saturday the 25th was my next 5K- Color Me Rad!  And I had a wonderful time!!  So thankful for great friends pushing me to follow my heart and just go for it!!  Love you Traci!  
*And finally I ended the month joining Haley for her MRI...we are goofballs, and can even have fun while waiting to find out difficult news about her future!  Dramatic, eh?  :)  For more on the outcome go HERE.  It was very difficult watching her go through this, all the loud noises...I just sat flipping through a magazine praying she would be ok.  

Now..on to May!!;)

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