Monday, January 21, 2013

Valentine's Day Mantle 2013

 This year I decided not to do ANOTHER white/winter mantle.  I went ahead and started celebrating Valentine's Day early...really early!! :)

I hope you enjoy my
  ReD and AqUa VaLeNtInE's DaY MaNtLe!!  

{T for Tremaine...I made that plate a few V-Days ago, but still really like it!}

{The red #6 is to represent out ginormous perfectly portioned family of 6!!}

{J + A...Joey and Ashley...I like him a little!!  Teehee!}

{I bought this hankie a few weeks ago on a junkin trip...I paid $4 for it...way more than I would normally pay, but I liked it THAT much! ;)}

And there ya have it...I hope you all have a GREAT Valentine's Day with your sweeties, your children, your parents and God...he loves us the most after all!! ;)  


  1. Perfection! I heart the color combo. Great mix of things! :)

  2. Adorable! Love the aqua!

    Visiting from Sew Can Do.

  3. The turquoise and red are great colors against the white. Even at $4 I would have bought that fantastic vintage hanky!

  4. Love the aqua and red for Valentine decorating! Hugs, Penny

  5. Very pretty Ashley!
    Thanks for sharing with us!
    Stacey of Embracing Change
